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Mental Health Law Online

The internet resource on mental health law, and mental capacity law, for England & Wales. You can sign up for free email updates, the online forum and the CPD scheme (which provides 12 hours for £60 and is suitable for lawyers and non-lawyers). The abbreviations are similar but MHLO, MHLA and MHLR are all different.

The main content of this website has been divided into Case law (2352), Legislation (380) and Resources (1,036), together with separate Information pages (328) to link everything together.

  Forum topics


The Magic Book is a database of contact details which currently contains 304 pages.

  News and updates

All the latest updates to the website can be seen on on the MHLO updates forum category. The five most recent appear here.

  • 02/09/24: Case (Section 117 reimbursement). Kent County Council (23 012 780) [2024] MHLO 1 (LGSCO) — The council (having initially ignored a complaint) repaid £114,721.36 which had wrongly been charged between 2002 and 2021 and (having initally paid no interest) agreed to pay £17,368.50 interest, and was directed to pay £700 to remedy distress and £300 to acknowledge the time and trouble pursuing the complaint.
  • 02/09/24: Mental health Legal Aid form. Legal Aid Agency, 'Form CW 1&2 MH' (v20, September 2024) — The LAA website update dated 1/9/24 states: "CW1&2 MH and CWC MH updated to reference the 2024 Standard Civil Contract." Note that para 3.12 of the 2018 Standard Civil Contract Specification states: "We may amend the Application Forms from time to time upon giving at least 28 days' notice to you." At the very least (if the website update counts as contractual notice) they will have to accept the old version for 28 days after 1/9/24.
  • 18/07/24: Mental capacity law newsletter. 39 Essex Chambers, 'Mental Capacity Report' (issue 142, July 2024) — "Highlights this month include: (1) In the Health, Welfare and Deprivation of Liberty Report: sexual capacity complexities, wishes and feelings in the balance, and finding the P in a PDOC case; (2) In the Property and Affairs Report: deputy bond provider problems and a job opportunity in the Official Solicitor's office; (3) In the Practice and Procedure Report: how far can the Court of Protection go to ensure its orders are complied with, and risk taking, best interests and health and welfare deputies; (4) In the Mental Health Matters Report: Tier 4 beds (again) and the Mental Health Tribunal and the Parole Board; (5) In the Wider Context Report: local authority consent to confinement, the Irish courts continue to grapple with the consequences of the framework, and Strasbourg pronounces on assisted dying; (6) In the Scotland Report: exasperation at the pace of the Scottish Government's Mental Health and Capacity Reform Programme."


No open consultations.

  To do

Things that will end up with their own MHLO pages, when I have time...

  Email updates

Choose occasional and/or monthly update emails. To sign up, please go to the email updates subscription page.


The CPD scheme is primarily aimed at mental health solicitors, and is an ideal way to evidence your continued competence, but is also suitable for barristers, psychiatrists, social workers and psychiatric nurses. For £60, you can obtain 12 CPD credits.


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